Friday, May 16, 2008

Fishing for Clues

So, last night my brain had another odd dream. Some of you may recall what I refer to as "The Great Dream of '07". That dream had me involved in an airport smuggling operation somewhere in the Mediterranean, while being chased by Lt. Dangle of the TV show Reno 911 (pictured right). Luckily, my cohorts and I were able to escape Lt. Dangle by hijacking a Celine Dion Airlines flight. This dream had the "dream trifecta"--current celebrity involvement, illegal international activities, and a washed-up celebrity airline. The first two are easy to come by, but I knew I hit the jackpot of dreams when Celine Dion Airlines came into the picture. It went down as my best dream ever, and will be really hard to top.

Now, on to last night's dream. Nowhere near the Great Dream of '07, but a quality dream nonetheless. It began as a normal day at a hotel. This hotel was unique in that it had about 60 acres of just pools in the back of it (that's about 40 pools). This was a busy day at all of the pools, so I was wondering how I would be able to fish for bass with all of these people swimming in the pools. That's right, I was fishing for bass in a chain of hotel swimming pools. Normally, I would be thinking right along with all of you. Why would you ever fish for bass in hotel swimming pools? I'll tell you why. Because like any good fisherman, I checked the fishing reports, and they specifically said that bass fishing had been really good for the past two weeks in this particular hotel's swimming pools. I wasn't sure why it was just this hotel's swimming pools where the bass where biting, but when you hear the fishing is good, you just go and don't ask questions.

Like I said before, this hotel was busy, so I worried about snagging my line on swimmers. The last thing I wanted to do was get my fishing line caught on some toddler's water wings. At the same time, I wasn't about to pass up this chance on catching some good bass in a swimming pool. So, I tossed my line out there and started fishing. I'm not going to lie, I got some complaints from swimmers about hooking them on my first few casts. Who is to say it wasn't someone else's line though? There were several fisherman out there and it could have been any one of us. Anyway, once I got the hang of it, I started reeling in fish after fish. Those fishing reports didn't lie. These bass were hungry. An older guy told me it had something to do with the chlorine in the water, but I told him he was crazy and continued fishing.

Once I caught my limit of bass, I proceeded to clean them on the edge of the pool. I felt a little odd doing this, but I had already fished in a swimming pool, so I figured how much weirder can this experience get? Another successful day of pool fishing was in the books, and I was ready to head home to cook up my daily catch. In the back of my head I was thinking, "I hope these fish don't taste like pool water". This is the part where I woke up. I haven't had a weird dream like this in awhile, so I guess my brain knew I needed something to put in the blog. Good work brain, way to be on top of things.

Feel free to analyze this dream and give me your ideas. I read somewhere that when you dream of fish, it means someone is pregnant. I have a friend who just had a baby, so maybe my brain got confused with the due date. Let me know your thoughts.

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