Friday, May 8, 2009

Who Do You Think You Are??

Nice to see you here. Its been awhile. Let's get reacquainted. I am Brad's brain, and I'm here to tell you a little bit about life through my perspective. The last few softball seasons have taken their toll on me, so I needed to take some time off to recharge the batteries.

To recap, since the last blog Brad and I have accomplished the following: played 2 softball seasons with Balls Deep, retired a teammate's jersey, cleaned up some dog vomit, started 2 new jobs (only to retire from both jobs no more than 4 months later), and decided to go back for more schooling to fill my brain with more adventures. Sure, we did some other things, but that covers most of it. After all of that, my lesson learned is pretty simple: don't do stuff you don't like, do stuff you do like. If you do that, you're doing alright. Long story short, that's what I've decided to start doing. That brings me to one thing I do like (fishing) and what specific thought occurred to me while doing some solo kayak fishing on the Gulf Coast........who do you think you are?

Let me paint a picture. Say you keep walking up to some random person trying to hang out with them. There you are just standing there, and then BAM! The other person just tries to punch you in the face. Luckily your reflexes are pretty quick and you escape unharmed. You go back to that same person, and the same thing happens. At this point you figure out, "hey, I'm getting the feeling this person doesn't really want to hang out with me". So you go on your way, and that's the end of it. You don't get punched in the face, and the other person doesn't have to hang out with you. Works out well for both sides if you ask me.

Now, I had the equivalent happen to me while attempting to do some fishing. Just insert me for the person doing the punching and a horsefly (pictured) in the place of the annoying person trying to unwillingly hang out. I mean seriously, are horseflies that dumb? Do they just not have any friends in the animal kingdom? They're obviously called horseflies for a reason. Go hang out on the back of some stallion in a meadow, and let me do some fishing. Who did this horsefly think he was, and why was he all the way out in the Gulf of Mexico repeatedly trying to hang out on my leg? I wonder if those Somalian pirates have to worry about horseflies? I'm way cooler to hang out with than a Somalian pirate, so I bet horseflies never try to hangout with them. Anyway, after repeated swats at this creature, I had no choice......this horsefly needed to die. When you're out on the open seas, crazy things happen and this was no exception. I looked this horsefly right in its eyes and said, "who do you think you are"? I continued, "I just want to fish and you keep trying to bite me. I don't even know you and you just won't stop biting me. I'm a good guy, and don't deserve this, and now you are going to die". After looking around to make sure there were no witnesses, I quickly ended this bug's life as quickly as it entered mine. Its a shame things had to come to this, but it had to be done.